Spring has sprung!
Hadn't been many updates to the blog and a lot has happened, what gives boy-o?
Well I've been as of late in the recording studio, finally kicked my own tires and admitted to myself at the very least, that I couldn't do it all alone, got some much needed help. More microphones, more talent, more joyful music getting made. If and when that is released to the broader domain, it will be known. Most signs point to Bandcamp. No promises. Banjos featured on album are my current players, RB30, RB04* concept fretless, RB24 steel strung.
2021 Banjos Builds: RB31, 32, 33, 34 are still in the planning stages. RB31 'Booker' is pretty much ready to begin build, still tracking down remaining parts. RB33 & 34 will be custom orders from prospective clients, cross fingers that those pull through.

Patagonia Rosewood that will get re-sawn for peghead overlays, fingerboards and tone rings along with Curly Black Walnut for necks.

In the Garden:
We've got Deep Till Radish cover crops sprouting, Daikon & Red Ruby radish sprouts, Kale & Swiss chard on the way in the main garden. Eating arugula, deer tongue and other lettuces by the handful in the greenhouse. Tomatoes, peppers and herbs are in early stages under the grow lamps, we are fast approaching growing season '21. The chickens are back to rotational grazing, picking and scratching the dirt. Good times.
There are buds on the trees and that means TICKS! I've been scrambling to finish up all tree-felling, firewood production, Chipping while I still can before we are overrun by the bugs! The tractor and I have been working overtime. I've got a good assortment of cedar, loblolly pine and osage logs in store. By April will have the Alaskan Mill setup so I can be rough sawing. So damn much to do.
Let the chips fly.